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Employees Health

Say "No" to Occupational Diseases!


With the increasing number of occupational diseases, issue of occupational health has become the focus of global attention. An enterprise shall be obliged to take responsibility for its employees’ health and prevent occupational hazards.


Theoretical Guidance

Adisseo attaches great importance to occupational health, implementing the Occupational Disease Prevention Law, and focusing on prevention and control by following the working laws of occupational health and taking into account the nature of specific chemical enterprises.

Eliminate and prevent any negative impact of occupational diseases on employees’ health.

Train employees and workers on how to use labor protection articles and conduct on-site inspections regularly.

Actively promote identification and detection of occupational health hazards at workplaces.

Organize occupational physical checks.


Practical Actions

In 2016, several actions were taken on all of the French Adisseo sites in order to better respond to work-life balance, to involve all of the staffs in prevention of psycho-social risks and to raise personnel awareness of this approach. For example, a dedicated help line was set up; the campaign on quality of life at work was launched as well as several e-learning training courses on psycho- social risks. Other actions contributed to the improvement of work spaces and lighting. Also, sophrology, relaxation and dietary sessions took place addressing issues related to lifestyle and eating habits, as well as a seasonal flu vaccination campaign.

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