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Adisseo provides its customers with PNE, a unique service based on NIR technology to predict the nutritional quality of the raw materials used in feed. Adisseo is able to analyze all main dietary ingredients to predict in real time the multiple characteristics impacting nutritional quality, using a reliable system based on in vivo data.


Why not ask Adisseo's experts for help with your liquid applications?

DIM, a comprehensive service and assistance programme, is here to let you enjoy all the benefits of Rhodimet® AT88 in total peace of mind.


Adisseo provides its customers with an analytical service directly accessible online: E-lab is a web service allowing customers to post analytical requests and clearly identify samples prior to shipping them to Adisseo laboratory. They can continuously monitor the status of their request (receipt of samples, analysis in progress, expected completion date, etc.) and directly access the final results.

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